of CLM Resources
and Tools
Welcome to the Compendium of CLM Resources and Tools website, which was created by APCASO/EANNASO/ATAC Consortium
Community led monitoring – TB communities: Filling an urgent gap in the new ‘Normal’

Video: TB communities: Filling an urgent gap in the new ‘Normal’

Community-Led Monitoring: When Community Data Drives Implementation Strategies

Communities occupy a central position in effective health systems, notably through monitoring of health service quality and by giving recipients of care a voice. Our review identifies community-led monitoring mechanisms and best practices.

CoLMEAL: Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

Salanga is positioning itself to be a thought-leader and innovating practitioner of Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) as part of the global movement of community-led programming. Salanga believes CoLMEAL can enhance the implementation of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) as well as contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing data gaps at the community and household levels that catalyze sustainable development by empowering people with right-sized, right-timed information to take action on the changes for improved well-being they envision. When CoLMEAL systems are integrated well, the process can also provide organizations with the needed accountability and evidence of impact for their donors and other stakeholders.

Community – Led Monitoring Tools

With the support of the Global Fund Strategic Initiative to the find the Missing People with TB, with co-financing from USAID, high burden TB countries tested the platform and are now expanding upon or scaling up the OneImpact CLM intervention.

Community-based indicators for HIV Programs

CBIS (Community-based information systems) are key to understanding how HIV programs are working to control the epidemic at the local level in countries with high burden. MEASURE Evaluation developed this collection of indicators to guide community-based HIV programs in monitoring their performance and thereby enhance informed decision making by governments, major donors, and implementing partners.

Watch what matters

Watch What Matters is a community monitoring and research initiative that gathers data on access to and quality of HIV treatment globally. It fulfills one of ITPC’s core strategic objectives, to ensure that those in power remain accountable to the communities they serveWatch What Matters aims to streamline and standardize treatment access data collected by communities – helping ensure that data is no longer collected in a fragmented way and that it reflects the issues and questions that are most important to people living with and affected by HIV. It relies on a unique model that empowers communities to systematically, routinely collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data on access barriers, and use it to guide advocacy efforts and promote accountability.

Community-led clinic monitoring in South Africa

The Ritshidze project today released a new website with resource toolkits on how it uses community-led monitoring to improve the quality of HIV and TB service delivery. Ritshidze — one of the most extensive community-led clinic monitoring systems — was developed by networks of People Living with HIV in South Africa to hold government and aid agencies to account to fix our broken public healthcare system. Through Ritshidze, community members systematically collect data at local clinics that is analysed, and then used to generate solutions to problems that are put to decision makers for action.

Watching what matters: ITPC’S community treatment observatories

Video: What started as a low-budget regional project across 11 West Africa countries has become a global pattern for community-led healthcare transformation.

One impact

OneImpact is a digital platform made up of three tools that work together to provide a comprehensive community engagement, community empowerment and community-led monitoring solution:
Downloadable mobile application for people affected by TB: It provides people affected by TB with information on TB, their rights, and TB care and support services. It also provides spaces for people affected by TB to connect virtually and to report challenges for a rapid response and resolution.
First Responder Dashboard: It allows first responders to track, coordinate, and mobilize a response to the challenges reported.
Accountability Dashboard: A platform for community advocates and other stakeholders to monitor and analyse trends on TB challenges and to generate CLM reports for advocacy, action, and programmatic change.


REAct (Rights – Evidence – Actions /Права – Доказательства – Действия) — это инструмент, который был разработан Frontline AIDS, для мониторинга и реагирования на нарушения прав человека на уровне сообществ. Система внедряется МБФ “Альянс общественного здоровья” при финансовой поддержке Глобального фонда. REAct позволяет документировать случаи нарушения прав ключевых сообществ и реагировать на барьеры, связанные с правами человека, при обращении за услугами профилактики и лечения ВИЧ, а также медицинского обслуживания.

Rights – Evidence – ACTion (REAct)

Rights – Evidence – ACTion (REAct) has been built with communities in mind, so that community-based organisations (CBOs) can monitor human rights issues and respond to them. Organisations can use REAct to record data about human rights violations; provide and refer people to health, legal and other public services; and use this data to inform human rights-based HIV programming, policy and advocacy at national, regional and global levels. Head over to our REAct User Guide if you’re keen to know more about how REAct works.

Community – Led Monitoring U.S Departamnet of State

PEPFAR – supported CLM is conducted objectively by independent, local community organizations. PEPFAR implementing partners who currently work on service delivery at the site level are not eligible for CLM funding, even if they will sub-grant to a local civil society organization.

Communities, Human Rights and Gender

The Stop TB Partnership is leading the way to a world without tuberculosis (TB), a disease that is curable but still kills three people every minute. Founded in 2001, the Partnership’s mission is to serve every person who is vulnerable to TB and ensure that high-quality diagnosis , treatment and care is available to all who need it.


Website dedicated to all CLM related issuess

Community-Led Monitoring of Health Services

This project supports civil society organizations and communities worldwide in creating and implementing structures for community-led monitoring (CLM). We deliver technical assistance and targeted support to CLM programs in countries, including South Africa, Malawi, Haiti, and Mozambique. In partnership with the Community-Led Accountability Working Group (CLAW), we advocate to donors and governments for impactful models of implementation that protect the independence and community leadership of CLM programs, drawing upon a growing empirical evidence base of best practices.

Community–Led Monitoring Tools

Placing communities and patients at the center of the HIV response is critical to controlling the HIV epidemic. In particular, collaborating with community members in a way that will identify barriers and enablers to accessing and utilizing HIV services is pivotal to PEPFAR’s client-centered focus. Approaches like Community-led monitoring allows communities to themselves design, implement and carry out routine, ongoing monitoring of the quality and accessibility of HIV treatment and prevention services. Through use of community-led monitoring approaches, PEPFAR programs and health institutions can pinpoint persistent problems, solutions or enablers, and barriers to service uptake at the facility- and community- level. This approach can help ensure PEPFAR is providing quality HIV services that beneficiaries want to utilize, improves the patient experience, and ultimately improves patient outcomes.


List of resources to help you fund and implement your Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) project